20 April 2007

Rape with drugs - Guilty

April 20 2007

Man who drugged, raped woman jailed for 8 years

A former employee of the Ministry of Fisheries has been jailed for more than eight years for raping a woman he had drugged.
Justice Simon France in the High Court in Wellington today sentenced Richard Duncan Win, 55, to eight years and three months jail with no minimum non-parole period.
A jury had found Win guilty of raping a woman he worked with after he drugged her with his own medication.
"The act was cowardly and despicable, you administered a drug so you could rape her and then proceeded to do so," Justice France said to Win during sentencing.
"Why you would choose to act that way towards the later part of your working life, I do not know."
A charge of stupefying her had been dropped because it was deemed she was so drunk, the drug found in her system was not likely to have made any difference to her state.
Justice France said after drinking with Win the woman woke up in his bed and discovered she had been raped.
Win had claimed during the trial the woman had come into his room and wanted to have sex with him.
Justice France said Win took advantage of the woman, who was "not in a condition to resist".
He said the woman had previously suffered from depression.
"The rape has undoubtedly had severe consequences on her emotional wellbeing."
Defence counsel John Sandston said Win maintained his innocence. Win had a dishonesty conviction in the United States, but no prior convictions in New Zealand.
Win had worked as a fisheries observer.


Anonymous said...

Dont understand why this is on here. This man was found guilty twice.

Anonymous said...

found guilty twice.